How to catch the bus
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If you have never caught the bus before we understand that it can seem a confusing or daunting task. We have produced this short video to show you how easy it is to plan your journey and what to do at each stage along the way.
Here are some other handy tips and things to consider which we didn't have time to include in the video:
- Lots of our buses have next stop announcements which you will hear and see on the onboard screens. This will help you to get off at the correct stop. If you are still unsure where your stop is, please feel free to ask the driver to let you know when you get there and then sit somewhere downstairs so they can easily let you know.
- Don't forget to also check your return journey details if needed. You'll need to check what stop it goes from and the times.
- We recommend buying your tickets via the app as it's the easiest and cheapest way to get them. However they are also available from a variety of different places which you can find out here.
- If you're buying or travelling with a student ticket you may be asked to show some form of student ID so please make sure you have some available. You may also be asked for some form of ID if you're buying a young persons ticket (16-21) and you look older than this. You can get a First photo ID card for free. For more details click here.
- If you become a regular traveller it is worth checking with your college or employer if they offer any discounted tickets. Many college students get special deals and some colleges even subsidise tickets. Check out our college pages here. Many employers are part of the Commuter Travel Club which offers discounted tickets, find out more here.
We're sure once you make your first journey you'll realise how easy and convenient it is. We look forward to seeing you on the bus soon!