Our Timetables are listed below. To search for a specific route number, please type the number into the Bus Timetable Search box. Once you have found the timetable you require, choose the day of the week you want to travel to view bus times.
Timetables show main stops. For routes with a return journey, you may need to scroll down to view details.
You can choose to view and print your timetable in standard or large print pdf format. Or you can personalise the timetable to display your start and end point and to show only the services for a specific time of day.
Results 1 - 2 of 2 found in Bristol, Bath and the West
U1: University of Bath - Oldfield Park Via Bath City Centre
View Sunday timetable for route U1 Valid from 26/01/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U1
View Monday to Friday timetable for route U1 Valid from 27/01/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U1
View Saturday timetable for route U1 Valid from 01/02/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U1
U5: Bath City Centre - Bath Spa University Via Lower Bristol Road, Twerton
View Sunday timetable for route U5 Valid from 26/01/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U5
View Monday to Friday timetable for route U5 Valid from 27/01/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U5
View Saturday timetable for route U5 Valid from 01/02/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route U5
Travel Alerts
Road Closure-Willowbrook centre-03.02.25-(74)
Road Closure - Willowbrook Centre - Bradley Stoke- (74)
06:00 03rd February - 23:30 24th February
South Glos
Due to car park improvements the current stop inside Willowbrook shopping centre will be closed and buses will not be able to access the Willowbrook centre until completion of works.
Passengers are advised to use stops on Bradley Stoke Way to board and alight service 74, paying particular attention to which way the bus is heading as the service will be looping around the Aldi roundabout.
Regrettably Willowbrook bus stop will not be served during the works.
For more information, please contact our Customer Services Department
Telephone: 0345 646 0707 (Calls cost 12p per minute plus network charges)
Customer service contact us
Postal address: First Bus, Enterprise House, Easton Road, Bristol, BS5 0DZ
Road Closure-09.02.2025-Bishport Avenue, Hartclife-(75)
Road Closure-Bishport Avenue-(75)
07:00 Sunday 09th February - 06:00 Monday 10th February.
Due to the road closure at Bishport Avenue buses will be diverted to use route 76 Hareclive Rd route to Church road (indoor Skate park) then follow Grange Road onto Queens Road to pick up route at Four Acres.
This diversion will be in Both Directions until the works have been completed.
Regrettably Lampton Avenue, Hollisters Drive, Bishport Avenue, Crosscombe Drive, Fair Furlong and Newland Lane bus stops will not be served during the closure period and passengers are advised to pick up stops on Hareclive road.
For more information, please contact our Customer Services Department
Telephone: 0345 646 0707 (Calls cost 12p per minute plus network charges)
Customer service contact us
Postal address: First Bus, Enterprise House, Easton Road, Bristol, BS5 0DZ