Road Closure-15.01.25-Eastville Park-(46/48/49)
LocationEastville Park, Fishponds Road
ResponsibilityLocal authority
Effective15/01/2025 - 16/01/2025
Road Closure- Northbound junction Fishponds Road to
Eastville Park-(46/48/49)
09:30 15th January - 15:30 16th January
Due to works near the Eastville Park bus stop on Fishponds Road, the Northbound slip towards Eastville Park at Fishponds Road will be closed and buses will divert down towards the M32 Eastgate around the roundabout and head back up towards Eastville Park for normal route to Fishponds.
Regrettably the Eastville Park bus stop on Fishponds Road heading towards the centre after the junction will be closed during the duration of the works.
For more information, please contact our Customer Services Department
Telephone: 0345 646 0707 (Calls cost 12p per minute plus network charges)
Customer service contact us
Postal address: First Bus, Enterprise House, Easton Road, Bristol, BS5 0DZ
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