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Valid from 18/01/2025 to 08/02/2025
1B: RGU Garthdee/Bridge Street - Dubford (Bridges)
Via Bridge Of Dee-City Centre-Denmore
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639006463
0600 | 0628 | 0659 | 0721 | 0812 | 0842 | 0912 | 0942 | 1012 | 1042 |
Stop code: 639006402
0606 | 0634 | 0705 | 0727 | 0819 | 0849 | 0919 | 0949 | 1019 | 1049 |
Stop code: 639006402
0606 | 0634 | 0705 | 0727 | 0820 | 0850 | 0920 | 0950 | 1020 | 1050 |
Stop code: 639003622
0609 | 0637 | 0708 | 0730 | 0824 | 0854 | 0924 | 0954 | 1024 | 1054 |
Stop code: 639003091
0621 | 0649 | 0720 | 0745 | 0839 | 0909 | 0939 | 1007 | 1037 | 1107 |
Stop code: 639005514
0630 | 0658 | 0729 | 0756 | 0851 | 0921 | 0951 | 1017 | 1047 | 1117 |
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639006463
1112 | 1142 | 1212 | 1242 | 1312 | 1342 | 1412 | 1442 | 1512 | 1542 |
Stop code: 639006402
1119 | 1149 | 1219 | 1249 | 1319 | 1349 | 1419 | 1449 | 1519 | 1549 |
Stop code: 639006402
1120 | 1150 | 1220 | 1250 | 1320 | 1350 | 1420 | 1450 | 1520 | 1550 |
Stop code: 639003622
1124 | 1154 | 1224 | 1254 | 1325 | 1355 | 1425 | 1455 | 1525 | 1555 |
Stop code: 639003091
1137 | 1207 | 1237 | 1307 | 1338 | 1408 | 1438 | 1508 | 1539 | 1609 |
Stop code: 639005514
1147 | 1217 | 1247 | 1317 | 1348 | 1418 | 1448 | 1519 | 1550 | 1620 |
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639006463
1612 | 1642 | 1712 | 1750 | 1835 | 1920 | 2000 | 2105 | 2210 | 2315 |
Stop code: 639006402
1619 | 1649 | 1719 | 1757 | 1842 | 1926 | 2006 | 2111 | 2216 | 2321 |
Stop code: 639006402
1620 | 1650 | 1720 | 1758 | 1843 | 1927 | 2006 | 2111 | 2216 | 2321 |
Stop code: 639003622
1625 | 1655 | 1725 | 1803 | 1847 | 1931 | 2010 | 2115 | 2220 | 2325 |
Stop code: 639003091
1640 | 1710 | 1740 | 1818 | 1900 | 1943 | 2022 | 2127 | 2232 | 2337 |
Stop code: 639005514
1651 | 1721 | 1751 | 1829 | 1910 | 1953 | 2031 | 2136 | 2241 | 2346 |
1B: Dubford - RGU Garthdee/Bridge Street (Bridges)
Via Denmore-City Centre-Bridge Of Dee
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639005514
0600 | 0630 | 0700 | 0730 | 0800 | 0830 | 0900 | 0930 | 1000 | 1030 |
Stop code: 639003092
0609 | 0639 | 0709 | 0740 | 0811 | 0841 | 0911 | 0940 | 1010 | 1040 |
Stop code: 639003623
0621 | 0651 | 0722 | 0754 | 0826 | 0856 | 0925 | 0954 | 1023 | 1053 |
Stop code: 639006404
0625 | 0655 | 0726 | 0758 | 0832 | 0902 | 0931 | 1000 | 1028 | 1058 |
Stop code: 639006404
0625 | 0655 | 0726 | 0758 | 0833 | 0903 | 0932 | 1001 | 1029 | 1059 |
Stop code: 639006463
0627 | 0657 | 0729 | 0802 | 0837 | 0907 | 0936 | 1005 | 1033 | 1103 |
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639005514
1100 | 1130 | 1200 | 1230 | 1300 | 1330 | 1400 | 1430 | 1500 | 1530 |
Stop code: 639003092
1110 | 1140 | 1210 | 1240 | 1310 | 1340 | 1410 | 1440 | 1510 | 1540 |
Stop code: 639003623
1123 | 1153 | 1223 | 1253 | 1323 | 1353 | 1423 | 1454 | 1524 | 1555 |
Stop code: 639006404
1128 | 1158 | 1228 | 1258 | 1328 | 1358 | 1428 | 1459 | 1529 | 1601 |
Stop code: 639006404
1129 | 1159 | 1229 | 1259 | 1329 | 1359 | 1429 | 1500 | 1530 | 1602 |
Stop code: 639006463
1133 | 1203 | 1233 | 1303 | 1333 | 1403 | 1433 | 1504 | 1534 | 1606 |
Service No.: | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B | 1B |
Notes: | ||||||||||
Stop code: 639005514
1600 | 1630 | 1700 | 1730 | 1800 | 1845 | 1930 | 2035 | 2140 | 2245 |
Stop code: 639003092
1611 | 1641 | 1711 | 1741 | 1810 | 1855 | 1940 | 2045 | 2150 | 2255 |
Stop code: 639003623
1626 | 1656 | 1726 | 1756 | 1823 | 1908 | 1953 | 2058 | 2203 | 2308 |
Stop code: 639006404
1632 | 1702 | 1732 | 1802 | 1828 | 1913 | 1957 | 2102 | 2207 | 2312 |
Stop code: 639006404
1633 | 1703 | 1733 | 1803 | 1829 | 1914 | 1957 | 2102 | 2207 | 2312 |
Stop code: 639006463
1637 | 1707 | 1737 | 1806 | 1832 | 1917 | 1959 | 2104 | 2209 | 2314 |
Travel Alerts
Forresterhill Road evening closure 27 January to 02 February
There will be an evening closure on Forresterhill Road between 22:00 and 06:00 on 27 January until 02 February.
Services will divert as follows:
Services 3,3A heading to Mastrick
From ARI: via Westburn Road, Anderson Drive, Ashgrove Road West, Forresterhill Road, and then resume normal service
Services 3,3A heading to Cove
From Ashgrove Road West: via Anderson Drive, Westburn Road, Forresterhill Road and serve ARI as normal
Mounthooly one way heading to Hillhead from 04:00 until 17:00 on 21 January
Mounthooly will be one way heading towards Hillhead on 21 January
Service 20 will divert as follows
Service 20 heading from Hillhead to Union Terrace
From Kings Crescent: via Mounthooly, King Street, West North Street, and resume normal route.
Bedford Road closed until further notice
Due to an emergency road closure on Bedford Road, Service 19 will divert as follows:
Service 19 heading to Culter
From St Machar Drive then: via Powis Terrace, Bedford Bridge and resume normal service
Service 19 heading to Tillydrone
From Bedford Road: via Powis Terrace, St Machar Drive, Tillydrone Avenue and then resume the normal service
The nearest stops will be Powis Terrace, Tillydrone Avenue.
Manor Avenue One-Way 28 Jan – 28 March 2025
Due to Manor Avenue being one-way heading to Heathryfold from 04:00 on 28 January until approx. 17:00 on 28 March, services will divert as follows.
Service 13 heading to Scatterburn
From Granitehill Road: via Provost Rust Drive, Anderson Drive, Haudagain Bypass, and into the terminus.
Service 23 heading to Sheddocksley
From Provost Rust Drive: via Provost Rust Drive, Anderson Drive, Great Northern Road, Haudagain Bypass and resume normal service.
Crown Street one way heading to Faulds Gate 22 January to 02 February
Due to Crown Street being one way only heading to Faulds Gate from 04:00 on 22 January until 17:00 on 02 February.
Services 17,17A heading from Faulds Gate to Newhills will divert as follows:
Service 17,17A heading to Newhills
From Ferryhill Road: via Caledonian Place, Albury Road, Willowbank Road and continue along Springbank Terrace, and resume route along Crown Street.
Cairncry Road one way heading to Northfield 18 –19 January
Due to Cairncry Road being one way heading to Northfield between 09:00 on 18 January and 06:00 on 19 January
Services 11,11A will divert as follows -
Services 11,11A heading from City Centre to Northfield
Normal service.
Service 11,11A heading from Northfield to City Centre
From Provost Fraser Drive via Anderson Drive, Rosehill Drive, Hilton Drive, and resume normal service
Blackness Road/ Minto Road 6 Jan –7 Feb.
Due to Roadworks at Blackness Road/Minto Road there will be various road closures as follows:
Phase 1 05:00 6 Jan until further notice
Service 18A Heading from Minto Road to Redmoss
From Minto Road, via Hareness Road, Crawpeel Road, and resume the normal route.
Phase 2 TBC once Phase 1 is complete
Service 18A Heading from Minto Drive to Redmoss
From Minto Drive, via Minto Drive, Minto Avenue, Hareness Road, Crawpeel Road, and resume the normal route