Our Timetables are listed below. To search for a specific route number, please type the number into the Bus Timetable Search box. Once you have found the timetable you require, choose the day of the week you want to travel to view bus times.
Timetables show main stops. For routes with a return journey, you may need to scroll down to view details.
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Results 1 - 1 of 1 found in Greater Glasgow
267: Hamilton - Blantyre - Cambuslang - Rutherglen - Shawfield - Glasgow
View Sunday timetable for route 267 Valid from 03/11/2024 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 267
View Monday to Friday timetable for route 267 Valid from 04/11/2024 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 267
View Saturday timetable for route 267 Valid from 09/11/2024 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 267
Travel Alerts
240, 255, 263 & 267 - West Nile Street/Renfrew Street/Renfield Street
West Nile Street/Renfrew Street/Renfield Street
To allow for Craneage Works on Sunday 9th February 22:00 until Monday 10th February 06:00 several Streets will be closed at different times.
During the closure all stops will be observed and the following diversions will be in operation:
22:00-01:00 West Nile Street closed between Sauchiehall Street and Renfrew Street.
Services 240, 255, 263 & 267 towards West Nile Street divert via St Vincent Street right Hope Street, right Renfrew Street Killermont Street to BBS.
01:00-02:00 Renfrew Street between Renfield Street and West Nile Street.
Services using Renfrew Street heading towards Killermont Street divert via right Renfield Street left West Regent Street left West Nile Street right Killermont Street.
Services using Killermont Street towards Renfrew Street divert via left West Nile Street, right Bath Street, left Renfield Street.
02:00-06:00 Renfield Street closed between Renfrew Street and Sauchiehall Street.
Services towards Renfield Street continue Renfrew Street, right West Nile Street, right Bath Street, left Renfield Street normal route.
Services from BBS towards Renfield Street, divert via Killermont Street left West Nile Street, right Bath Street, left Renfield Street.
226, 229 - Gateside Street
Service Disruption
Due to major roadworks on Gateside Street, Hamilton, from Monday 13th January for 9 weeks, disruption is expected on Services 226 & 229 and some bus stops will be closed.
Passengers are advised to plan their journey in advance.
We apologise for inconvenience caused due to circumstances out with our control.
Multiple services - Hope Street Bus Stop Closures
Hope Street Bus Stop Closures
From Monday 6th January for approximately 8 weeks, Hope Street will be reduced to one lane between West George Street and West Regent Street.
The following bus stops will be closed:
- St Vincent Street (after)
Stop code: 609010
Services that used this stop: 60, 60a, 61
- West Regent Lane (before)
Stop code: 609012
Services that used this stop: 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 75
- West Regent Street (before)
Stop code: 609013
Services that used this stop: 3, 4, 4A, 9, 9A, 18, X8
Passengers are directed to use the next alternative stops:
- Services 3, 4, 4A, 18: use Bath Street
- Services 6, 6a: use Hope St at Theatre Royal
- Services 7, 7A, 75: use Hope St at Savoy Centre
- Services 60, 60a, 61: use Hope St at Watt Brothers
- Services 9, 9A, X8 ONLY: Use the first bus stop at Watt Brothers to drop off/pick up.
Services 60/A 61 & M3 Phoenix Road. UPDATED
Services 60 60A 61 & M3 Phoenix Road To allow for works, on Saturday 22nd July until August 2025
Phoenix Road will fully close.
uring the closure the following diversions will be in operation:
Services 60,60A & 61 towards Parkhead Will divert St Georges Place, left St Georges Road right Garscube Road normal route.
Services 60,60A & 61 towards Maryhill Will divert Garscube Road, left St Georges Road, right St Georges Place, right Maryhill Road normal route.
Service M3 towards City Centre Will divert Garscube Road.
Service M3 towards Milton Will divert Garscube Road.
*Updated* - Works extended to August 2025.