First Bus York Landing Page
Helping you get around York as easily as possible
Above, you can find information regarding our bus services including timetables, route maps, prices and even use our journey planner to ensure a smooth ride.
For visitors to York, there is no need to worry about parking while in the city – the six well located Park & Ride sites on the outskirts of the city make travelling to the shops and attractions easier than ever, with buses running back and forth every 10 minutes.
Student and Young Adult Discounts
For a city with such a large student population, we know that it's important to be able to get around as easily as possible. Thanks to our regular services in York here’s no better way to get around the city than by bus. For university students we offer a discounted bus to and from the University of York and York St John, to help you make the most of your time and studies.
On top of this we offer discounted fares for children, all young people aged 11-16 and young adults aged 16-18. Perfect for families who want to travel cheaply and with ease through the area. Enjoy the journey.