York Bus Route Maps

Whether you need to catch the First York number 10 to the city centre, or the number 6 bus out to Clifton Moor, First Bus York’s routes provide you with easier local travel through the area. Take a look at our detailed York bus routes to see exactly where your journey on one of our services can take you.

York City Network

Service 1 pdf - 286.13 KB
Service 11 pdf - 374.59 KB
Service 4 pdf - 302.01 KB
Service 6 pdf - 260.83 KB
Services 10/10A pdf - 265.68 KB
Services 5/5A pdf - 336.07 KB

York Park & Ride

Service 2 (Park & Ride) pdf - 255.61 KB
Service 3 (Park & Ride) pdf - 255.42 KB
Service 59 (Park & Ride) pdf - 227.51 KB
Service 7 (Park & Ride) pdf - 253.12 KB
Service 8 (Park & Ride) pdf - 215.95 KB
Service 9 (Park & Ride) pdf - 277.01 KB

York University Services