Our Timetables are listed below. To search for a specific route number, please type the number into the Bus Timetable Search box. Once you have found the timetable you require, choose the day of the week you want to travel to view bus times.
Timetables show main stops. For routes with a return journey, you may need to scroll down to view details.
You can choose to view and print your timetable in standard or large print pdf format. Or you can personalise the timetable to display your start and end point and to show only the services for a specific time of day.
Travel Alerts
Service Changes from 5 January 2025
From Sunday 5th January 2025, we're introducing some timetable changes following on from customer feedback received when the September changes went live. These timetable changes are to help keep buses to run on time and improve the service we provide on services 38 and 39.
The new timetables can be found here.
Services 7/7A City Centre - Kidsgrove/Biddulph
Minor timetable changes to timing points along the route.
Service 21: City Centre - Trentham
Changes are being made to the Monday to Friday timetable. There will be no changes to the Saturday or Sunday timetable.
Service 22: Newcastle - Longton
Changes are being made to the Monday to Friday timetable. There will be no changes to the Saturday or Sunday timetable.
Service 23: City Centre Newstead
Changes are being made to the Monday to Friday timetable. There will be no changes to the Saturday or Sunday timetable.
Service 37: Longton - Hanley - Lymedale Business Park
New timetable introduced Monday to Sunday
Services 98/99: Newcastle - Ball Green/Chell Heath
Changes are being made to the Monday to Friday timetable. There will be no changes to the Saturday timetable
Services 38/39, 38A/39A: Kidsgrove - Hanley - Newcastle - Kidsgrove/Waterhayes
New timetable introduced Monday to Sunday. Services 38A/39A will now serve Shelton Boulevard.
Service 101: Hanley - Stafford
new Monday to Friday and Saturday timetable
103: Hanley - Crewe
New timetable introduced Monday to Sunday