Upcoming events in Worcester

Looking for fun things to do in the local area? Look no further! We've found some incredible events, for all different ages and better yet you can get there by bus!

This half term, up to 5 people travel all day for just £10 with our special Worcester Network group ticket offer. Available exclusively on our app from 15th - 23rd February.

Here are some exciting things coming up...

Event When Where Find out more
Art-Felt Family Crafts 17 & 18 February Worcester Cathedral Visit website
Living History in Worcester 22 & 23 February Various city centre locations Visit website
Lionel – The Music of Lionel Richie 23 February Swan Theatre Visit website
Wedding Open Day 23 February Bank House Hotel & Spa Visit website
Jazz Sabbath 28 Feb - 1 March Huntingdon Hall Visit website
Pop Art trail until 30 March Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum Visit website