Where to buy
First Bus App
Buying tickets on the First Bus App >> is the most convenient way to buy tickets 24 hours a day 7 days a week and they are often cheaper, so why not buy before you travel?
With a wide range available, including weekly and monthly tickets, there’s no need to have the right change as you can make your purchase in advance. Simply scan your mobile ticket when you hop on board, and you’re ready to go.
More about the First Bus App >>
Please be aware, we are able to sell 2 weekly tickets maximum per person when buying on the bus. This is to prevent card fraud.
If you require bulk tickets, please contact our customer services on 0345 646 0707 or fill out our contact form here.
Download the App
Some tickets can be sent to your mobile, your email address or by post. We also offer direct debit subscriptions for some longer-term tickets.
Sending tickets to your mobile using the First Bus App is the quickest option, and could even save you money.
More about the First Bus App >>
On the Bus
Contactless payments >>, Apple pay, Google pay and cash are accepted on our buses.
Single Fare Prices
Type | Price | Description |
Short journeys | £1.60 | Typically 4 stops. |
Medium journeys | £2.50 | For medium journeys within Leeds, such as from inner Leeds to City Centre. |
Longer journeys | £3.00 | Longer journeys within Leeds and into Bradford. Please note some longer journeys from Leeds to Halifax and Skipton may be higher. |
West Yorkshire First Bus App Single | £2.00 | We have introduced a great value flat single fare for just £2.00 on the First Bus App; any single trip, anytime, anywhere across West Yorkshire. Available from 27th October 2019. |
Metro Travel Centre
The Metro Travel Centre in Leeds City Bus Station can provide you with timetables, information on bus travel and fare information. They also sell a range of First and Metro passes and can help with holidays and coach travel as well.
Metro Travel Centre Leeds City Bus Station York Street Leeds LS2 7HU |
Opening hours: Mon: 08:30-17:30 Tue: 09:00-17:30 Weds-Fri: 08:30-17:30 Sat: 09:00-16:30 Sun: Closed |