Add unlimited bus travel around town to your train ticket from just £2.20 a day.

What is PlusBus?

It's a ticket for unlimited bus travel on both First and other bus services* that you add to your train ticket. So you pay for your complete train and bus journey in one easy transaction. PLUSBUS tickets are available to many destinations across the UK, including: Bath, Bristol & Weston-super-Mare.

*participating bus operators' services.

How does it work?

Ask for PlusBus when buying your train ticket. You can have the bus travel at the start, the finish, or both ends of your train journey. For each town you can travel as much as you like by bus with your PlusBus ticket within the urban area. PlusBus can be added to most types of train ticket:

  • train station ticket offices
  • self-service ticket machines at selected stations

Simply ask for PlusBus when buying your train ticket. It's more convenient than buying separate tickets and having to carry change for bus fares! What's more you can pay with cash, credit or debit card.

How much does it cost?
(in addition to rail ticket price, when purchased together)

PlusBus destinations
From 25 Sept 2022 Day Week Month 3 Month Year Child Day Railcard Day
Bath £4.30 £18.30 £70.30 £196.00 £692.00 £2.15 £2.85
(Temple Meads
or Parkway)
£4.50 £18.90 £72.60 £203.00 £715.00 £2.25 £2.95
Weston-super-Mare £2.20 £9.80 £40.70 £113.00 £418.00 £1.10 £1.45

Normal Railcard discounts are available with all one-day and period return PlusBus tickets only when you buy a single, day or period return train ticket.

*For more information, including local travel maps and terms and conditions visit