• Location
  • Cause
    Fore Street and Turnpike Hill, Marazion
  • Responsibility
    Sunbelt Rentals
  • Effective
    02/10/2024 - 03/10/2024

From Wednesday the 2nd of October to Thursday the 3rd of October, there will be closures along Fore Street and Turnpike Hill, Marazion between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30.

This will affect the U4 and Lands’ End services.

Buses will be diverting as follows:

Buses will follow their normal line of route until Marazion Cemetery. They will then then turn around at Trevener Lane and head back to the roundabout and take first exit onto A394 follow along until Newtown Roundabout where they will take the first exit off. They will then travel down Newtown Lane, turning left at the end and carrying on passed the care home and turn around at Feliskirk Lane where they will resume their normal line of route serving the bus shelter at the carpark.

The same will apply in reverse.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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